Monday, January 21, 2008

Posting 1

Elizabeth Choy was one of the greatest heroine. Japanese OccupationDuring the Japanese Occupation, she worked as a canteen operator with her husband at the Mental Hospital where patients from General Hospital had been moved to. They secretly brought food, medicine, money, messages and even radios to British internees. Unfortunately, they were caught by the Japanese and Elizabeth was arrested on 15 November 1943, following her husband's arrest on 29 October a few weeks earlier. Believing their activities were related to the Double Tenth incident, she was interrogated by the Kempeitai but she never admitted to being a British sympathiser. She was released only after 200 days of starvation diet and repeated torture. Her husband was released much later.She loved her husband so much that she ended up being captured by the japanese, and even got electrocuted by the japanese. Since then, she had the fear of electrical appliances.After the war, Elizabeth was invited to England as a celebrated war heroine noted as the only female local to have been incarcerated for such an extended period. As a member of the Legislative Council, she represented Singapore at the bowed out from politics thereafter, believing she could do more for the country as a teacher. I feel very sad that she died. Not many people have the courage like her. I feel that Elizabeth Choy is very brave and I admire her bravery. I feel that everybody should be like Elizabeth Choy and stand strong no matter what kind of difficulties we may face. :)