Sunday, August 10, 2008

Compo 1

__ “Ring…Ring…Ring…” the recess bell rang and all the students charged towards the canteen. Just as I reached the canteen, I realized that I forgot to bring my wallet down for recess! Upon realizing this, I make a turn and headed back to class.
__ When I arrived back to class, I saw two students behaving suspiciously in my class. Curiosity took over me and I decided to have a closer look. To my surprise, I saw that the two students were from another class. From there face, I knew it was David and Peter from 6 H. I immediately took out my handphone and videotaped their every move.
__Thanks to my phone, I could zoom in and see what they were doing. They were ransacking our pencil cases and our bags. I suspected that they were trying to steal handphones, pens and other valuables from our class.
__Then, they stuffed their hands in my bag. I was furious. They even took out my wallet! “Now they’ve gone too far!” I decided to blow their cover, I entered the class and shouted “Stop right there, you thieves!” They looked at me in shock, before turning and running away. I decided not give chase and headed for the principal’s office.
__I told the principal what had happened and he immediately called for David and Peter. The principal asked them whether they stole but both of them denied. I decided to show the principal my proof. I took out my handphone and showed the principal my video. The two boys were speechless.
__A few days later, I found out that David and Peter were expelled from school. I felt that they deserved it after how much stuff they stole. From this incident, I learnt that we should not steal and honesty is the best policy.