Sunday, August 10, 2008

Compo 1

__ “Ring…Ring…Ring…” the recess bell rang and all the students charged towards the canteen. Just as I reached the canteen, I realized that I forgot to bring my wallet down for recess! Upon realizing this, I make a turn and headed back to class.
__ When I arrived back to class, I saw two students behaving suspiciously in my class. Curiosity took over me and I decided to have a closer look. To my surprise, I saw that the two students were from another class. From there face, I knew it was David and Peter from 6 H. I immediately took out my handphone and videotaped their every move.
__Thanks to my phone, I could zoom in and see what they were doing. They were ransacking our pencil cases and our bags. I suspected that they were trying to steal handphones, pens and other valuables from our class.
__Then, they stuffed their hands in my bag. I was furious. They even took out my wallet! “Now they’ve gone too far!” I decided to blow their cover, I entered the class and shouted “Stop right there, you thieves!” They looked at me in shock, before turning and running away. I decided not give chase and headed for the principal’s office.
__I told the principal what had happened and he immediately called for David and Peter. The principal asked them whether they stole but both of them denied. I decided to show the principal my proof. I took out my handphone and showed the principal my video. The two boys were speechless.
__A few days later, I found out that David and Peter were expelled from school. I felt that they deserved it after how much stuff they stole. From this incident, I learnt that we should not steal and honesty is the best policy.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


今天, 我会谈谈关于学校运动会的事. 我们的班连一个铜牌也没有. 当我们在丢球时, **** **** ** 不小心跌到了使我们不能赢得胜利, 但也不能怪**** **** **... ... 这个周末, 我的爸爸给我做了很多课外练习. 累死我了!!! 我希望PSLE 能考好成绩. ^.^

Thursday, March 13, 2008


这个周末, 我和爸爸妈妈一起去朋友的家拜年. 爸爸妈妈忙着和朋友的爸爸妈妈聊天. 我拿了几个饼干吃, 而吃得赞不绝口. 使我惊喜的是, 那些饼干是他们自己做的. 他们送了我们一些饼干, 让我们带后家吃. 这个假期, 功课堆积如山, 做也做不完. 我只收到一个红包, 因为我所要拜访的人, 不是生病就是没有空 :( 真希望假期能长一点,也希望下个假期老师能少给一些功课. ^.^

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Posting 3

Hello once again. Today, I am going to talk about some amazing animals which I saw on some of the webs.

The Mimic Octopus
The Mimic Octopus (as you know from the header ) is a master of mimicry. It can appear to be a sea snake, a lion fish, a jellyfish, a sea anemone, etc. It measures about 2 feet in length and has white and brown stripes.
Chimpanzees are our closest relatives and, like gorillas and orang-utans, they belong to the ape family. Although they have hands and feet similar to humans, chimps move around on all fours and it is quite unusual for them to walk upright. They have long powerful arms, with elongated thumbs on their hands. Chimpanzees are very clean animals, and will often groom one other - carefully picking out small ticks from each other's fur.
The Blue Whale
Did you think that dinosaurs were the largest animals ever? Even dinosaurs were not as huge as the blue whale. These mega mammals are about 30 metres long and can tip the scales at over 150 tonnes. A blue whale's heart alone weighs as much as a car and its tail can be the same width as the wings on a small aeroplane. Blue whales may be big, but they feed on tiny organisms called krill. They can get through four tonnes in a day, that’s the same as eating an elephant! The call of the blue whale is the loudest of any animal.
Jellyfish are probably best known and feared for their sting which in some species can be deadly. The stings are caused by cells called nematocysts which shoot out like miniature harpoons into their prey. Despite their stinging cells, animals such as ocean sunfish and leatherback turtles feed mainly on jellyfish. In some countries they are even considered a delicacy by humans. Most jellyfish are actually harmless to man. In fact, it's hoped that some of the chemicals they produce may provide treatments for cancer and heart disease. ( Aren't they useful? )
Tasmanian Devil
Tasmanian devils have a fearsome reputation. Thanks largely to the manic cartoon character Taz ( in Lunatics Unleashed ), they're often seen as the vacuum cleaners of the animal world, gobbling up anything and everything in their path. Because Tasmanian devils are quite slow movers, they hunt at night. They eat anything from newborn lambs to insects, etc. Their teeth and jaw muscles are so well developed that they can eat every last part of their prey. By eating dead animals they prevent the spread of disease. >.<

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Posting 2

Hi, my name is Yongji.. I now study in Henry Park Primary School. And in case you don't know, I am 11 years old. Here is my autobiography.I was born in Shanghai, China in 1996. I can't remember much about what I did when I was 2 to 3 years old, it was a looooong time from now. According to my parents, I came to Singapore when I was only 1 year old. When I was in Kindergarten, I made alot of friends. When I was in primary one, a new addition was added to my family... My !!SISTER!!...... When I was in primary 1, I made alot of friends. In primary 2 and 3, I was so happy as I did not want to lose any friends. But When it was primary 4, I seperated from all my friends ONE. Luckily, In primary 5, some of my friends went to 5 Boldness. I jumpped over the moon when I heard this. In Primary 5, me and Gabrielboth scored 335 while Bowen scored 336. Therefore, we all came to 6 Joyfullness. The thing I hate most is my SISTER!! Everytime she does something bad, she always blame me. :( And when I accidentally hit her, she will shed crocodile tears. :( I hope my sister grows up and stop pushing all the blame on me. I hope to go to ACSI or Hwa Chong!!!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Posting 1

Elizabeth Choy was one of the greatest heroine. Japanese OccupationDuring the Japanese Occupation, she worked as a canteen operator with her husband at the Mental Hospital where patients from General Hospital had been moved to. They secretly brought food, medicine, money, messages and even radios to British internees. Unfortunately, they were caught by the Japanese and Elizabeth was arrested on 15 November 1943, following her husband's arrest on 29 October a few weeks earlier. Believing their activities were related to the Double Tenth incident, she was interrogated by the Kempeitai but she never admitted to being a British sympathiser. She was released only after 200 days of starvation diet and repeated torture. Her husband was released much later.She loved her husband so much that she ended up being captured by the japanese, and even got electrocuted by the japanese. Since then, she had the fear of electrical appliances.After the war, Elizabeth was invited to England as a celebrated war heroine noted as the only female local to have been incarcerated for such an extended period. As a member of the Legislative Council, she represented Singapore at the bowed out from politics thereafter, believing she could do more for the country as a teacher. I feel very sad that she died. Not many people have the courage like her. I feel that Elizabeth Choy is very brave and I admire her bravery. I feel that everybody should be like Elizabeth Choy and stand strong no matter what kind of difficulties we may face. :)